Step Out With A Nutritional Powerhouse In A Tiny Package

13 Nov

by Phillip Tomlinson


This could be the definition of pint-size.

Eighty eight pounds.

A bit of a light-weight.  Let’s call a spade a spade.

Except this was no spade and — as far as light weights go — this was power and speed personified.

And it all rested on the shoulders of a woman named Tegla — Tegla Chepkite Loroupe that is.  Only the winner of the New York City Marathon twice.


Couldn’t be any more so. 

Yup, good things can really come in small packages, and can carry quite a punch to boot.

Right now — when it comes to packing a punch — I’m thinking nutrition.  And that’s no small thing, whether you’re aiming to be a high-performance Tegla machine or simply want to stay healthy.

Yeah, I know, life can sometimes get in the way.  Well how about carrying a snack that’s been called “a powerhouse packed in a tiny package?”

Think dates.  You know, that super nutritious fruit of the date palm? Yeah, that kind of date — the one that’s been called the “minimum of a balanced diet.”

And, by the way, eat two and you would have consumed three grams of fiber which is about the same amount found in a small apple.

Not bad, when you consider that dates contain both soluble and insoluble fiber — bouncers which show troublemakers like cholesterol the door, helping to trim your waistline and improve overall health.

But wait, there’s more — a lot more.

That’s because dates are chock full of a host of important vitamins and minerals like potassium which, apart from assuming the duties of an electrolyte,  is required for keeping heart, brain, kidney and other organs, along with muscle tissues, in good condition.

Since, by now, my guess is you’d hardly need a nudge to get on the dating circuit, you should know that to find a great date to keep company with you’ll need to look west.

That’s because California dates are as wholesome as they come — being, among other things, sodium-free, fat-free and cholesterol-free.

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of going dating, check out the link in the BodinSync Prescription below.




NOTE:  If you are interested in trying out some fun and functional ways to improve your physical fitness, you’re welcome to send your E-mail to to arrange for a class at the low introductory price of $20

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